Electrical Plug Types Explained – GLAMOUR HOME


to tell them apart one of the primary differences is that “regular” 3 and 2 prong plugs which are attached to the wall side on the majority of gadgets are NEMA electricity cords. In terms of mechanical design, these kinds of plugs differ in their designs to serve the purpose of handling different levels and types of power flow. If you plan to use customized extension cords, it is important that you know which type each plug matches.

IEC plugs function in the opposite direction similar to NEMA plugs. They are placed on the cord, or device end, which is opposite to plugs for wall outlets. These are separated into even and odd numbers. These indicate the assignment of plug and jack. The jacks are also known as (C5 C5 and C15), while the odd-numbered C6 and C16 represent plugs. They pair so that the odd number appears before its even match.

NEMA plugs fall under a smaller group. After the number allocation is done, they’re divided down into P andR types. The distinction is P as plugs, and the receivers as plugs. 1-15 types have two prongs. 5-15s come with two prongs, and a grounded prong below them, and the 5-20 type has two prong blades that rotate 90 degrees and one prong for grounding. NEMA plugs are ideal for handling high heat and wattage, which is one reason that they’re so popular in the electronics world.


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