Online marketing is all about search engines. After, that’s where the customers and potential customers are. Not only is the number of Internet users growing, they’re shopping online, and they’re searching for products and services online. If you are a web designer or a marketng agency, it’s time for you to think about how to be the best with an SEO reseller. Offering SEO services to your clients will ensure your reputation as a marketer or advertising agency.
What do white label SEO resellers do?
White label SEO resellers may be ad agencies, web designers or online marketers who want to improve their clients’ rankings in online searches. Rather than learn the arcana of google searches or hire a whole new staff, you could just try outsourcing SEO, and let someone else figure how to make online searches work for your client.
Your part is just to rebrand the SEO services with your own label, and offer them to clients. And of course, to graciously accept their thanks and praise (and payment) when they realize what a marketing whiz you are.
Why are online searches so important?
So maybe you’ve convinced your clients with a practical demonstration of how to be the best with an SEO reseller. But you still haven’t figured out how online searches work, and why they matter. The basic fact is, that online searches drive Internet traffic. As many as 100 billion online searches are conducted each month worldwide.
That’s because people are looking for information, people, goods and services. A full 93% of all online experiences begin with a search carried out via search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. Which makes it important for your client to be found in the searches. Not only do you want their pages to be found, you want them to rank among the top search results. Call them lazy, but 75% of Internet users never scroll past the first page of search results. And that’s where SEO comes into the picture.
How to be the best with an SEO reseller
SEO or search engine optimization helps websites rank higher on online searches. This is completely different from online advertising, because you can’t pay Google or the other search engines to rank your pages higher. Perish the thought. In fact they go to great lengths to ensure that even the criteria used to rank websites on searches are kept secret, and these are also changed frequently.
So what SEO experts do is figure which search keywords Internet users are most likely to use when looking for the products or services your business provides. They then match these keywords to your advertising campaign, having them appear naturally in text, titles, meta titles, video and picture captions and much else. This ensures that your website will be one of the first to appear in the search results, and receive correspondingly greater traffic.
As you can see, it takes a great deal of expertise to write good SEO. But when it happens, it can produce tremendous results in terms of visits to your client websites and to their overall sales and branding efforts. In fact SEO is one of the most cost-effective advertising tactics today. Which is why it may be time for you to find out how to be the best with an SEO reseller.